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SAP VC Modelling tips from the CWG Users

Phil Martin

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Although I could not make it the CWG Variant Configuration conference in St Louis this year, I have had a look at some of the uploaded presentations.

I will discuss them a little and provide links to them - BUT you must be a member of the CWG to access them. Membership is FREE so join here.

Today I am focussing on Day 2 - Track 1.

This track has a really good mix of presentations by actual businesses using VC. So how good is that - getting real experiences from actual users. That is what I like about the CWG community!

In no particular order other than the order they were delivered.

Kevin is a great presenter who has a sense of humour in his presentations. Always like to see his efforts in person. What I like in this presentation is how he has outlined all the business reasons why you should use VC. If your company is considering VC then this is a good read.

Yes it is Kevin again. He is a serial presenter. He is known to present with sock puppets! Now we all like to think our model development and changes always go smoothly. But in practice, they do not always follow the perfect path. We end up on the unhappy path. Kevin runs through some common unhappiness and how to fix them.

This time not a customer but one of a leading VC consulting companies in the US, and are so for good reason. They follow good practice and have a real depth of knowledge. Tim is a senior consultant. This is a nice presentation and outlines the various ways to restrict characteristic values. As an added bonus there are notes on how the AVC compares to LO-VC. I like it.

Unlocking the potential of Class 200 - Cory Layman | Kimball

If you do not know much about class 200 selectors (or even if you do) this is a great presentation that covers many aspects of this method to select components. What I like is that Cory has applied the functionality to actual business scenarios and what to watch out for.

Using VC to support Routings at Crown Equipment - Gwen Staton | Crown Equipment

This presentation is really interesting and I need to look at it more closely. What caught my eye was using class type 012. What is class type 012? Well, go look at the presentation to find out! A great customer story. Thanks Gwen

At some time we need to find stuff related to a characteristiscs and classes. Lori has provided a detailed overview with a lot of useful tips and tricks on doing this with CL30N. I saw a couple of things I will add to my bag of tricks.

There is one more presentation that has not been uploaded yet. When it is, I will add it to my blog.

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lucas fuelling
lucas fuelling
Oct 21, 2019

Characteristic Restriction - Methods and Best Practice link does not work

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